Jewish Emotional Healing

This therapeutic 3-part course provides you with practical tools to free yourself from inner restraints and get on the road towards emotional healing. You will be asked to prepare a particular trigger (negative emotion, limited belief, or ongoing struggle) that you wish to address during the course. You will remain focused on this specific trigger during the course and independently work to release it from yourself through the tools and techniques you will learn. We'll focus on the freedom and redemption energies in the Jewish calendar, based on the transformative work of the Holy Ba'al Shem Tov. Surrender, separate, and sweeten your journey towards freedom with your newly acquired methods of attaining happiness and personal redemption. 

The goal is to acquire a refreshed and renewed way of thinking that you may adapt for continued self-use.

Mindful Meditations

This course Includes mindful meditation files and audio guided visualizations to release trapped beliefs by expanding Jewish consciousness.

Access for a full year!

You will be asked to prepare a particular trigger to address during the course, but since you have access to the course for a full year, you can watch it and repeat the course and work on many more emotional triggers!

Classes For Men and Women

The Class is appropriate for both men and women alike. No perquisites are required.

This Course Also Includes:

  • Self-Healing techniques for everyday living
  • Mindful Meditations in a 3-step process
  • Tools to accept, develop and grow from the raw experience of e-motions (energy in motion) as they are Divinely intended and personalized
  • Knowledge of your emotional experience from a Jewish perspective based on Chassidic thought. Surrender, Separate, and Sweeten them in a three-phase transformative process.
  • Learn skills & knowledge and spiritually grow in your emuna through everyday interactions and challenges.

Feedback from Past Students:

"It was a breakthrough point and mind-blowing experience. I wanted to heal my family and live a happy and healthy life. And yet, it changed our family's lives"

"I realized through this program that every relationship you are not at peace with is pointing to a part of yourself that needs to be reclaimed. At this point, it seems to me it's not about fixing the relationship at all, it's about finding a lost piece of yourself in that relationship. Once you reclaim that piece the relationship improves automatically. Thank you."

"Since starting this program, the changes I’ve noticed are that the days are smoother, and people smile at me and greet me and compliment me everywhere I go. My confidence has been boosted. I can't thank you enough."

To Enroll in This Course:

Already a course member?

How Does a Digital Course Work?

This class is designed for independent learning and has downloadable handouts, meditations, and resources. You can also contact Orit Esther for a complimentary, 10-minute Q&A session during the course at [email protected].

Since this is a short course, there is no group WhatsApp, but private sessions for further discussion are available at an additional cost. You can watch the lessons at your own pace and have access to the course for up to one year. All courses are open to men and women.